My Moment of Truth Podcast

We all want to be loved and accepted. But as many of us learn, living life for everyone else is downright exhausting and hard to maintain. Join me every Monday @ 7:30pm EST LIVE within the Sisterhood of Women in Pursuit of Personal Peace Facebook group, or click the links below to listen/watch episode replays as we dive into the deep end of the transformation pool filled with some of life's greatest challenges such as people-pleasing, approval-seeking, perfectionism, control and many more.

Each episode is packed with truth bombs of epic proportions that will blow your mind and heart wide open and light the spark of change to a new way of life. So settle in, and get ready to laugh, cry, and feel your power come alive!


PEACEFUL Morning Meditation

This morning meditation will help quiet racing thoughts and get you in the perfect state of mind for your day ahead. You'll feel calmer, centered, more focused and relaxed as you bring peace to all of those waking thoughts and emotions.

Free yourself of any pressures and go about your day with patience and compassion for yourself and your abilities. Make commitments to yourself that will help you throughout your day and bring you the peace you need to feel more at ease in everything you do.

The information contained on this website and accompanying blog and membership area (collectively “website”), including ideas, suggestions, techniques, videos, products and other materials is educational in nature, is provided only as general information, and is not medical or psychological advice. You understand there is a distinction between “healing” as referenced on this website and the practice of medicine, psychology, or any other licensed health care practice. While Debbie O’Keefe has been trained and has experience in a variety of emotional freedom techniques, she is not a physician, psychologist, psychotherapist, or other licensed health care provider. Debbie O'Keefe does not diagnose, nor does she make any claim to "cure" or "treat" any physical or mental health conditions. None of the services provided by Debra O'Keefe of Life Path Consulting are meant to replace any conventional medical or mental health treatment or therapies including prescription medication, counseling, and other conventional therapies. Results will vary and are completely dependent upon the level of commitment and effort of the client. The services she offers are not licensed by the State of New York or elsewhere in the United States. 
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