General Public Reception Center Staff Training: Saturday, March 3rd, 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM at D.E.S. or Tuesday, March 20th, 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM at D.E.S.
This training will provide the basic skills needed to operate as an emergency worker in the event of an emergency at the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant. Topics include: Basic Nuclear Power Plant Operations, The Basics of Radiation, Overview of the County Emergency Plan for Indian Point, Radiological Exposure Control, General Population Reception Center Operations.

Traffic Control Training: Saturday, March 10th, 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM at D.E.S.
Familiarize yourself with basic traffic control procedures and safety requirements. Training will provide you with the necessary skills to assist emergency responders in a traffic control environment.

Geriatric Mental Health in Emergencies: Wednesday, March 21st, 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM at D.E.S.
This course is designed to give individuals a better understanding of the challenges that may negatively impact the elderly population during times of disaster. Learn the specific challenges of geriatric mental health in emergencies and gain the tools to better assist the elderly during times of disaster.

Driver Safety Course: Saturday, April 14th, 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM at D.E.S.
Tune up your driving skills and your knowledge of the rules of the road. Receive a 10% discount off your insurance or up to 4 points off your driving record for successfully completing the class. There is a minimal charge of $25 for classroom materials used (to be paid in cash on the day of the class).

Shelter Operations: Saturday, April 21st, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM at D.E.S.
This course is designed to teach individuals the basics of disaster shelter operations, including procedures for setting up, running and closing a shelter during a disaster. This course includes both lecture and group exercises.

In order to participate in any of the above training opportunities you must first preregister with Mike Kenyon by email at Please remember to include your full name, contact information, and program affiliation. Registration is on a first come, first serve basis. You will receive a reply email from Mike indicating that either you have been successfully enrolled or that all available spots have previously been filled. All training opportunities are available solely to the members of our volunteer programs (WEVR, MRC, CERT, & WesCART). PLEASE DO NOT FORWARD.

WEVR-MRC Basic Training Requirements:
Additional online training opportunities are also made available through the E-Learn software program. The WEVR Basic Training is mandatory for all WEVR-MRC volunteers and is available through E-Learn. Please see the log in instructions below. Thank You.

E-Learn Login Instructions:
1) Click on the following link:
2) Click on the Launch Training link
3) Click on the New Learner link
4) Where it says to select department, select Westchester Emergency Reserve Volunteers/CERT
5) Underneath that type in the word WEVR (in all caps) and then click login
6) You will then be taken to the registration page. Fill out all the required information and select a course to take. The WEVR/MRC Basic Training is mandatory for all new volunteers. (Note: your email address will be set as your username and you will create a unique password that you should use for future visits to E Learn)
7) Submit your info.
8) The course(s) you selected should appear in blue, click on the course name to start each course via power point presentation.

FEMA Training Requirements:
Please be advised that IS-700 and ICS-100 FEMA courses are a training requirement for all WEVR-MRC Volunteers. If you have not already done so, please go to the following links and complete the free online FEMA independent study courses. Upon completion, please submit your electronic certificate to Mike Kenyon at Thank You.